Happy Thanksgiving!

We are so thankful for all of our blessings. The IAM team wishes you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. We'll be closed on Thursday and Friday but will be available next Monday if you need anything. Enjoy the long weekend.

By Sarah Robles 27 Mar, 2024
For anyone who wants to master decision-making during uncertain times, this is a must attend event. Join the IAM team and Frank Elizondo at the Ideation & Analytic Methodologies Workshop, scheduled for August 19 through 22, 2024, at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa Conference Center Las Vegas, Nevada The workshop rate is $1,500. Please email (flelizondo@iammitigation.com) for payment information. Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be provided during the workshop. Registration closes on July 7, 2024 Whether you’re a Data Analyst Professional; Criminal Investigator Professional; Emergency Management Professional; Homeland Security Professional; Intelligence Professional; Law Enforcement Professional; Protection Professional; Security Professional; Public Administration Professional; Close/Executive Protection Professional; Marketing Professional; Real Estate Professional, Supply Chain Security Professional; Academic Professional or any number of other critical thinking professions which require one to be a critical thinking professional. Ideation is the process where you generate ideas and is an essential part of all analytic/diagnostic techniques used across all critical thinking professions. Ideation and structured analytic/diagnostic techniques are an indispensable and intricate part of risk and mitigation prioritization decision making structures. As they are equally indispensable and intricate to so many other critical thinking professions. The ideation and methodology workshop provides an opportunity to explore how to implement and integrate them effectively across an infinite number of methods via lecture and guided exercises in a structured and collaborative environment.
18 Jan, 2023
The Integrated Analytic Methodologies (IAM) team provides a broad range of training, mentoring, and facilitation solutions for multiple professions:
04 Jan, 2023
The Integrated Analytic Methodologies (IAM) team is focused on understanding each of our client’s unique needs and providing services to meet these needs: - Courses - Training - Mentoring - Consulting
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